LightHouse Messianic Fellowship
Youth Ministry
We believe that every part of the body of Christ is valuable, and we are grateful for the ministry of our youth among us. These are crucial years when young people are beginning to formulate their own thoughts and beliefs and we desire our youth to fully embrace God’s call on their lives to be disciple-makers. It is not the role of the Church to replace or step-in for parents but it is to equip and walk alongside them as they raise our youth up in the Lord. We at Lighthouse Messianic Fellowship desire to see youth ministry grounded in the mission of Jesus Christ and the Church, directed toward growth in Christian discipleship.
Saturdays: The youth at Lighthouse meet every Shabbat during services that begin at 11:00 AM. After services, the youth typically gather for fellowship to simply hang out or play basketball.
Sundays: We have regular youth fellowship meetings Sunday evenings at different homes and different times. Contact us for more information!
Youth Camps: We are comitted to helping facilitate the youth’s involvment to Messianic youth camps annually. Contact us for more information!