LightHouse Messianic Fellowship


As you have read in our About Us section, this congregation was formed by three like-minded home churches coming together in one accord, and for that reason we have three pastors. Not only did this bring the groups together seemlessly, it added a level of accountability and a unified front of leadership that has work well for our community. Each of the pastors has a very different backgroud, bringing a well-rounded aspect of leadership to the assembly that is used to serve a wide range of believers. One characteristic of each pastor is that they all have a heart to serve people and help raise up a community of beleivers that walks like our Messiah walked, and they each have a true open-door policy for anyone that is in need. It is for that reason that the title of pastor was chosen for each. Read up on each pastor below.
Pastor Matt Nappier PHD

Matt Nappier

Matt has been a believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for many years and has been on the Torah-Observant path since 2007. He is currently engaged with the greater Messianic community through Messiah Meetings, multiple Sukkots, and other events. Matt loves to draw on historical records and 1st Century context in search of a deeper aspect to the Biblical narrative, especially in reference to the Messiah. ​Matt graduated from the University of Louisiana at Monroe with a degree in Social Sciences. He then went on to earn a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Amridge University, and he is currently a PhD candidate at the same university. He is currently transitioning from a 21-year military career. He married Malissa in 2008, and they have three beautiful girls and two handsome boys – Moriyah, Mayah, Mikaylah, Malachi, and Michael.
Pastor Nathan Hall

Nathan Hall

Nathan was raised from a young age to follow Yeshua, and he was placed in a position of leadership in almost every church he attended. He taught the youth boys at Twin City Bible church, and he also led many bible studies on the campus of the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Nathan was shown in 2009 that if we walk in the way that Jesus/Yeshua walked then we could better serve God/YHWH. He has led or helped lead a home church since 2013 and has a passion to do the will of God. Nathan is married to Kristy Hall and has four beautiful children – Riley, Elle, Josie, and Olive.